Some catch-all coaching news

We won't catch everything, but here are some of the things that have gone down lately in the CIS coaching world ...

  • Brian Cheng, recently the CIS coach of the year, has left UVic after 15 years (10 as head coach) for "personal reasons." Stunning and shocking, according to Howard Tsumura. (Victoria Times-Colonist, via Little Man on Campus)

  • The open men's basketball coaching position at Queen's is apparently down to interim Duncan Cowan and three other candidates. According to Mark Wacyk's sources, they are "a CIS assistant with just 2 seasons of experience, a CIS women's coach and a Western Canada-based CIS assistant with a solid background." Our Neate Sager has a source who says the second name in that list is current UWO coach Steph Barrie. (

  • Chris Cochrane gives the AHL Mooseheads directions to their next coach, current SMU coach Trevor Stienburg, who he says is "a renowned motivator who makes players want to win" and someone who "understands the Halifax hockey market in a way imported coaches wouldn’t until they’ve been here for several years." (The Chronicle-Herald)

  • Some further AUS/QMHJL speculation. It seems to fall under the "nothing to see here" category. (Cape Breton Post)

  • Lisa Jordan went from coaching SMU to Ryerson, and now Lesley Jordan is going from Dalhousie (which was a surprise to her and to others) to ... Saint Mary's? To Ryerson to join her sister? (The Chronicle-Herald)
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  1. You can add Dave Leger of Gee-Gees men's hockey to your list of deaprting coaches. He leaves on April 30, after 8 years as HC. A competiton for a new HC should be posted any day now.

  2. Not a coaching change, but UNB AD Kevin Dickie has jumped to Acadia. Kind of interesting that Dickie would move to the smaller school, but they do have a football program. UNB is coming off their most successful year in a long time (ever?) at the AUS level, and with the number of teams advancing to Nationals, and of course the hockey team won the University Cup for the third time in five years.

  3. I know it isn't UNB so perhaps it isn't important CIS men's hockey news coming out of the AUS but St. Thomas has hired a new hockey coach, Troy Ryan. If anyone is interested I have more at
