Hockey: 2011 Cavendish University Cup

{Ed. note: if you're looking for our coverage of the 2011 Cavendish University Cup, our preview is published here. -RP]

(left to right: Co-Chair Roger Shannon, UNB Athletics Director Kevin Dickie and Co-Chair Lloyd Henderson)

Just back from UNB's presser, and have a meeting to go to, but here's a few details.

Cavendish Farms is back as the title sponsor. The Home Depot will be a presenting partner. They've been doing a lot with UNB hockey locally and are stepping up for the University Cup.

Seven members of the successful steering committee for the 2003 and 2004 University Cups in Fredericton are back. The co-chairs are Roger Shannon and Lloyd Henderson.

Tickets: Current UNB season ticket holders get first crack at tickets starting June 1. Package #1 is an all-events (varsity sports) season pass, plus playoffs plus the University Cup and will be $250. Season ticket holders also can buy one (1) extra University Cup pass for a discounted price of $125.

New season tickets go on sale June 16. If you don't want Nationals, then it is only $150 (package #2).

Package #3, for the seven games at the University Cup, go on sale to the general public on July 15 and will be $140 across the board (no discount for seniors or students).

UNB makes no bones that they want to use Nationals to increase their season ticket base. It is highly doubtful that there will be any tickets left for single games, as the only ones in 2003 and 2004 were the visiting team allotments that were given back to the box office.

V-Reds marketing guy Dave Morell pointed out that there are 301 days to go to the Awards Gala night and 302 days before UNB captain Kyle Bailey takes the opening faceoff against someone ... so I guess UNB is planning to open play on the Thursday.

Co-Chairs of CIS Men’s Hockey Championships (UNB Varsity Reds Media Release)
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  1. looks like roger shannon's been hitting the tanning beds

  2. great job guys...super marketing
