Late-afternoon linkin' log

The Yahoo! gig is occupying a lot of off-hours, but here's some stuff that jumped to attention (i.e., popped up as a Google Alert:

  • Howard Tsumura is rich in bloggy goodness, with a post on the unique skill set of No. 2 UBC's leading rebounder, versatile Kamar Burke. (Little Man on Campus)

  • Mr. Tsumura raises another good point about Fraser Valley's bid for a playoff spot: Coach Barnaby Craddock's Cascades have played their way into contention despite an unbalanced schedule (eight home games, 10 away). (Little Man on Campus)

  • There's a liveblog for tonight's Queen's-Ryerson games right here.
  • UBC will play the Norwegian Olympic team on Feb. 10 in Abbotsford. (Abbotsford Times)

  • Lakehead's Pierre-Marc Guilbault is having a great comeback season from a broken foot. (Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal)

  • Who wants to finish fourth in OUA West and play Guelph (6-1-2 since Jan. 1) in the division quarter-final? Any takers? (Guelph Mercury)
  • There will be much to discuss about the just-released OUA schedule.

  • Quarterbacks Dan Brannagan, Erik Glavic and Michael Faulds are all in it together now that they've been invited to the CFL evaluation camp in March. (Queen's Journal)

  • Queen's coach Pat Sheahan, Vanier Cup in tow, spoke at fundraising pep rally in his native Pembroke, Ont., for the start-up Fellowes Falcons high school football team.
    " 'High school football is one of the most important things a young man can do,' Sheahan said. 'A school's identity is woven into its football program. A good season for the team often means a good year at school. The football team leads to other things like cheerleading, a marching band, whatever the school wants to bring into it.' "
    For any Eastern Ontario readers, the Fellowes booster club is taking charitable donations for the new team. Details on how donate (and get a tax receipt) are in the article. (Pembroke Daily Observer)
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1 comment:

  1. Years after I graduate from Fellowes, they get football. LOL.

    Good for them. Soccer and rugby are fine but it's nice to have a football team at the school now.
