Football: Father-and-son acts in football often awkward

File this under weird coincidences: At the same time Calgary coach Blake Nill has issued an apology for getting in the face of his son, receiver Taylor Nill, a coach a few hundred kilometres south is saying in hindsight, he would not have recruited his child if he could have the choice over again.

Colorado Buffaloes coach Dan Hawkins, who had to bench his quarterback/son, Cody Hawkins, earlier this season, told a press conference, "I wouldn't do it, and I'll tell you what ... It happens like this everywhere around the country. When you win, everything's good. When you lose, everything's wrong."

It's a little different in the U.S., of course. Canada only has 27 football-playing universities and a similar number of junior programs. There are 120 teams in the NCAA's Football Bowl Subdivision and close to 700 football-playing colleges.

Point being, it's tricky when family plays for family, just as it when family works with family in the real world, and that should be taken into account before people make judgements.

(It is an odd coincidence both Vanier Cup teams have that situation. Queen's coach Pat Sheahan has his son Devan starting at slotback and his older son Ryan on the coaching staff.)

Hawk regrets having Cody be his QB (Tom Kensler, The Denver Post)
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  1. I have had the pleasure of working for Blake Nill and I can tell you while he is intense he is one of the nicest guys I have ever worked for in the CIS and if you were to talk to other coaches in the CIS they too would confirm that he is a good man. Time to put this story to rest!

  2. Tell the University of Calgary that; it is the one investigating Nill's conduct.

    From this vantage point, it had to be addressed. I can leave it there.

  3. Yes, but he is soooo emotive... we should just forget about it... (and concentrate on finding a good psy for his son?)
