Football: Fans Top 10 Oct 20

For the voting breakdown every first place vote receives 10 points, every 10th-place vote receives 1 point. Last week's rankings in parentheses, first-place votes in bold.

  1. LAVAL 235 (2) 19
  2. QUEEN'S 211 (4) 4
  3. CALGARY 191 (3)
  4. MONTREAL 156 (1) 1
  5. SASKATCHEWAN 151 (7)
  6. WESTERN 117 (5)
  7. SAINT MARY'S 75 (8)
  8. OTTAWA 43 (9)
  9. ALBERTA 38 (10)

Other teams receiving votes: St. Francis Xavier (24), Sherbrooke (24), McMaster (11), Regina (2), Manitoba (1)
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  1. Funny Alberta keeps getting the votes each week and Mac is not but somehow Mac is showing up in the rankings and Golden Bears are not?

  2. Alberta us in 9th mac in 13th

  3. He mean the Offical Ranking

  4. Yes this is not the "official" rankings it's more of a measure of how the fans see the teams. The lists have been very similar right until the very bottom, where you could argue a number of teams. Personally I think the Fans have been doing a better job of placing the bottom teams in there but that might just be a bias...

    However as long as MAC keeps kicking around the Top 10 right now I think that it gives more credence to the Fans.
