Basketball: Former Windsor player dies during pickup game

Terrible story out of Windsor: Mark Landry, a senior constable with the city police department and former Lancers basketball player, died of a presumed heart attack during a pickup game. A woman, Nancy Theoret was killed when the car she was riding in was struck by officers racing to set up a police escort for the ambulance taking Sr. Const. Landry to hospital.

I wouldn't wish having to report such a story on a mortal enemy, let alone suffering such a fate. Landry was 49. This is more of a Windsor story than a sports story, but condolences are due to his family, friends and the people whom Mark Landry was connected to through basketball.

Sr. Const. Mark Landry helped kids see cops as friends (Chris Thompson, Windsor Star)Victim of fatal police crash identified by devastated daughter as Nancy Theoret (Trevor Wilhelm, Windsor Star
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  1. What an absolute tragedy. Condolences to both the Landry and Theoret families.

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