Waterloo, Western rate well... on TV, that is

Sports media columnist William Houston's Tuesday column at globesports.com had some interesting numbers on weekend viewership:
  • Friday's Acadia-Saint Mary's University Rush game on The Score: 49,000
  • Saturday's Western-Waterloo telecast on The Score: 68,000 -- a CIS regular-season record
  • Saturday's Michigan-Illinois game on ABC: 20,000

It is a down year for Michigan and Illinois isn't a big TV draw in the States, let alone Canada, but it's really something that the Canadian games drew larger audiences by factors of two and three. Both games were decided by the middle of the third quarter, so conceivably, viewership could have been even higher.

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  1. My theory is that viewership picks up as we get towards the playoffs...

  2. I remember reading that the first three or four games on The Score had dismal numbers. They seem to pick up as we get deeper into the fall and the schedule.I believe it has been the same in other years as well.
